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“A THEORY OF THE OBSERVER” – Prof. Dr. Stephan Fuchs (University of Virginia, USA)

27/11/2018 08:42


O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política convida para a palestra:


Prof. Dr. Stephan Fuchs (University of Virginia, USA)
Data: 14/12/2018 – 14h00min
Local: Auditório do prédio novo CFH (Anexo E)
Moderadora: Profª Drª. Marcia Grisotti

Mini CV: Stephan Fuchs is Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia, USA. Initially trained as a historian, Fuchs received his PhD in Sociology from the University of California at Riverside in 1989, taught for two years at the University of New Hampshire, and went to Virginia in 1991. Fuchs has taught at many universities worldwide, including Bielefeld (Germany), Gothenburg (Sweden), AUCA (Kyrgyzstan), and CEU (Budapest). His work is in theoretical sociology and social ontology with a special interest in systems theory, network analysis and science studies. He’s the author of Against Essentialism. A Theory of Culture and Society (Harvard University Press, 2005). Latest publication: “Observing Facts and Values: A Brief History and Theory” (Canadian Review of Sociology 2017).


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