1) Science, Health and the Environment
This line of research analyzes the complex articulations between science, society and the environment; including the integration of sociological, political, epistemological and historical perspectives in the study of the various strategies of production, reproduction and social transformation of knowledge and scientific-technological innovations, as well as the social role of its prescribers. Studies on policies, institutions and social representations in health and in rural and urban environments (focusing on risks, integrated and participatory management of common-use natural resources, and the food system) are also included.
Profª. Drª. Júlia S. GUIVANT – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Márcia GRISOTTI – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Marcia da Silva MAZON – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Myriam Raquel MITJAVILA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Sandra Noemi Cucurullo de CAPONI – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Paulo Henrique Freire VIEIRA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes) (In memoriam)
Prof. Dr. Rafael Leite MANTOVANI – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
2) Institutions, Political Behavior and Public Policies
Aiming to study the institutional and behavioral dimensions of the universe of politics, this line or research seeks to anchor itself in the main theoretical and methodological approaches existing in contemporary Political Science, focusing on the empirical study of a great diversity of aspects of the political reality in its local, national and international manifestations. Among the topics studied, the following stand out: institutions (electoral systems, regimes, forms of government, parties and party systems) and their effects on the political system; analysis and evaluation of public policies; elections; attitudes, values and political behavior; public opinion and political representation.
Profª. Drª. Anaís Medeiros PASSOS (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Cíntia Ribeiro Pinheiro de SOUZA (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Jean Gabriel Castro da COSTA (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. José Pedro SIMÕES Neto (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Luciano da ROS (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Luis Felipe Guedes da GRAÇA (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Tiago Bahia LOSSO – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Tiago Daher Padovezi BORGES (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Yan de Souza CARREIRÃO – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
3) Social Movements, Participation and Democracy
This line of research focuses on the study and production of knowledge with regard to configurations and changes in the field of democratic theory, participation and social organization. The investigations highlight the theme of social movements and the multiple forms of engagement and political militancy, including participatory institutions. Within this framework of activities and more general interests, the research developed by this line focuses on: a) the internal structure, dynamics, networks and relations of action of the civil society and social movements in the context of the transformations occurring in the Brazilian and/or Latin American political culture in the last decades, especially in the processes of democratization and globalization; b) the experiences of participation materialized in a plurality of institutions and spaces of interface between state and society; c) the exclusion/inclusion problem in its multiple dimensions; d) the political culture, especially political activism, processes of politicization and electoral behavior; and e) the theoretical debates in the field of democratic theory.
Prof. Dr. Ernesto SEIDL – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Julian BORBA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Lígia Helena Hahn LÜCHMANN – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Raul BURGOS – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
4) Political and Social Thinking
This line of research focuses on the systematic study of political and social ideas in the light of methodological procedures inspired by the linguistic contextualism, the history of concepts or the sociology of knowledge and science. Both the historical-social study of ideas and the development of aspects of political theory and sociological theory are sought. The group is dedicated to the research of authors, currents of thought, debates and central concepts of classical and contemporary political or sociological theory, as well as of the Brazilian intellectual tradition.
Prof. Dr. Amurabi Pereira de OLIVEIRA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo SELL – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Luiz Gustavo da Cunha De SOUZA (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Rafael Leite MANTOVANI – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Raul BURGOS – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Ricardo SILVA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Tiago Bahia LOSSO – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Yan de Souza CARREIRÃO – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
5) Social Representations and Symbolic Productions
This line addresses the issue of culture in contemporary society in its different domains. It covers, therefore, issues of scholarly, popular and cultural production, but also those related to religion, art, knowledge production and education. Issues related to memory, history, identity and gender are also part of the studies covered by the line. The correlation between these various issues aims to allow the development of both theoretical and empirical research concerned with establishing innovative and original articulations in the analysis of the relations between culture, languages, media, social inequalities and forms of domination, both in the Brazilian context and in the context of contemporary transformations in the forms of international political-cultural mediation.
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Bergamo IDARGO – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Amurabi Pereira de OLIVEIRA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Vilar BONALDI (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Elizabeth Farias da SILVA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Jacques MICK – (Curriculum Vitae – Plataforma Lattes)
Prof. Dr. José Pedro SIMÕES Neto (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo da Rosa BORDIGNON (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
6) Work, Market, State and Financial System
The aim of this research line is to analyze, in a historical perspective and under different theoretical approaches, topics related to labor, market, financial system, state and its interfaces. It focuses on the structural transformations of capitalism, such as the financialization of wealth; the regionalization and globalization of capital; its effects on the contemporary state; economic performance and environmental preservation; concentration and distribution of income and employment; social security and social welfare; anti-capitalist alternatives. Specifically, the sociology of work and occupations analyzes the social organization of production, the different types of work, the representations built on this social activity and the decisions of the workers regarding their class formation and political participation, in dialogue with notions and concepts, such as gender, identity, ethnicity, class, work trajectories, qualifications, skills, flexibility, precariousness, vulnerability, decent work, subjectivity. The sociology of the market investigates the economic action, phenomena that contemplate the production (including food production), consumption and generation of value, and corporate and work cultures. The sociopolitical analysis of the financial and business system in contemporary capitalism emphasizes issues such as financial institutions and relations with the state, with political processes and bank workers, financial networks and groups, public debt, financial crises, alternative forms and systems of credit, and the structure and dynamics of class associations. The state study focuses on public policies in their different expressions, especially the processes of elaboration, implementation and evaluation of economic and social policies.
Prof. Dr. Ary César MINELLA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Cécile Hélène Jeanne RAUD – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes) (in memoriam)
Profª. Drª. Marcia da Silva MAZON – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)
Profª. Drª. Thaís de Souza LAPA – (Curriculum Vitae – Lattes)